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portfolio | resume |
| Selected work from Batman : Arkham City I worked as a 3D artist on both Batman : Arkham Asylum and Batman : Arkham City, doing both high and low poly work, as well as textures.
| Joker's Funland Assets I made: Giant tin soldiers, Various signage (Texture work on several other assets.)
| Joker's Funland Assets I made: Giant tin soldiers, Joker's Funland Gate (Texture work on several other assets.)
| Joker's Funland Assets I made: Giant tin soldiers, Clown Heads (Texture work on several other assets.)
| Streets Assets I made: Ace Chemicals sign, Zeppelin, Guard Towers (Texture work on several other assets.)
| Joker's Funland Assets I made: Ferris Wheel (Texture work on several other assets.)
| Streets Assets I made: Gotham Casino Sign, Water Tower, Balloons (Texture work on several other assets.)
| BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY software © 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by Rocksteady Studios Ltd. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.